A Jericho Fan Fiction Archive
Heather had such an enthusiasm for life and hope for the future and to see it taken all away from her was very heart retching. In Jake and Heather's conversation about what was going on in the outside world I got a sense that despite, all that had happened to Heather, she at some level she felt a connection to Jake. It was also during that conversation I saw a little of the old Heather, the one who was able to make some sense of the bigger picture. Heather isn't able to tell us what happened, but you did such a good job conveying how she feels by describing how she speaks and how she looks (and how her house looks) that I didn't think it was necessary to know the details of what happened.
I imagine that this would have been a very difficult chapter to write but I have to say it was my favorite to date.
I really liked writing this chapter, difficult as it may have been to put Heather in this situation, because it was really interesting to figure out how she and Jake would interact here. I loved the underlying dynamic I could have in this scene since Heather is one of the few characters that didn't know Jake before the bombs, so she doesn't have to exchange pleasantries with him as the others do. While you're right, she can't tell us herself about her experience because she doesn't know or trust Jake, she can in some ways be more honest than the characters who do know Jake, simply because those characters have baggage attached to Jake that comes up as they tell him of their life post-bombs.
She definitely has a sense of the bigger picture, more than certain other characters, and this unfortunately means she knows how bleak it can be. I'm glad it seems some of the old Heather still shows through. I think it would take a lot for her to give up completely, and she hasn't reached that point yet.
Poor Heather! When I think of her character, I think of someone who has a such a spark of life in her. It was difficult to read about her in this way--Heather as someone who not only lacks friends and family but has also lost herself.
This situation in which Jake finds himself just keeps getting stickier and stickier. It's not in Jake's nature to be a mere observer, so I'm curious to see what he will find himself compelled to do--and if Freddie will allow it.
So if I had to guess where Jake is going next, I would say to the Richmond farm. I'm looking forward to seeing if I'm right. :)
Thanks Sandra!
It was difficult to write Heather in this part, but really, most of the characters have experienced some sort of big loss in this world. Heather is just able to show hers more openly because she doesn't know Jake, and so, doesn't find as much hope in his return as his mother, brother, or friends. I confess, that's why I did enjoy writing this scene as well, having Heather react to Jake without having to welcome him back and put on a brave face as many of the others must.
You're right about Jake. It will be increasingly hard for him to observe, even though he's not sure what his place in this world really is, and what he can really do.
Great guess :) and I hope you enjoy the next part! Thanks again for reading and reviewing!
OMG! Achingly sad and heartbreakingly true! I can't wait for more of this fic.
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, Obsidianagirl!
Thank you for reading, and for your kind words.
And welcome to the site! I hope you have fun here!
Oh, Penny!
This part is so well done. Heather is my favorite character, and I was worried for her, but what you came up with was so realistic. I knew she had to be affected by what had happened differently without Jake, and Eric's story about her was absolutely ominious, but (at least to me) she doesn't seem completely broken. There is still a glimmer of Heather in there, even if that "We can do it! / What can I do to help?" spirit seems to be missing. She wasn't a weeping wreck and she didn't shoot Jake or break his nose. I'll take these things as hopeful things.
Two excellent pieces of writing that just tugged at my very being:
Jake took a sharp breath in as he took in the sight of her, standing there on the other side, fixing him with a look of hostility he'd never seen on her before. Her eyes had dark circles, she was thinner then he'd ever seen, and so pale. She was also still pointing the gun at him.
“Pretty bad out there, right?” she asked, her mouth forming a small smile but her eyes still dead serious.
He nodded grimly. “How about here?”
She laughed, the kind of laugh that sent chills up his spine. “Same. Same as anywhere, I'm sure.”
Jake's queasiness as he approached Heather's door seems to have been right on the mark, and I can't help but think that it has to really tear at him to witness Heather's transformation. There is no way this woman is ever going to throw caution to the wind to do anything, be it kiss him or take off to New Bern.
As for her reaction to Jake's confirmation that the outside world is bad, I think, even as the chill runs up his spine at her (I assume) creepy laugh, at least this Heather realizes that whatever happened to her, (and thank you for not spelling that out too clearly!) it wasn't personal. The world isn't out to get her - this could have happened to anyone, and these horrible, awful things are happening to other people. She may have drawn protectively into herself, but she hasn't completely lost the bigger picture. Thank you for leaving Heather with her perspective, and for, frankly, leaving it mostly unskewed.
Okay, I suppose I should stop blathering on and on. Thank you for for how you did this. I didn't know exactly how you'd handle this, but I think you did superbly. My only complaint would be that I doubt we'll see Heather again. On the other hand, that probably wouldn't be realistic - she doesn't know Jake and would be suspicious of his coming back - so I'm not sure I can even complain about that. Also, I don't really know that taking another look in on Heather would accomplish anything. It certainly wouldn't heal her miraculously, so I suppose that's another vote against my argument. Your stories often leave me in a delicious muddle so I end up actually arguing with myself, and this chapter is a prime example!
So we're off past the river now! I think I know where we're going next and I can't wait to check in on those folks. Something tells me Jake won't be getting a big ol' bear hug this time.
Thank you Marzee!
Heather is one of my favourite characters too, so I really wanted to do her justice here. I wanted to show her as someone who was still strong, still holding on to everything she had left, so I hope that came out in this part. I'm very glad it worked for you.
Heather is also one of the few people who didn't have an already existing relationship with Jake, and so, I had a chance to explore in more general terms the way someone living in this world would experience it and react to it. You're right, she knows the world isn't out to get her specifically, but she does know as well that it isn't a kind place, and no one is exempt from the dangers in it. So while she might seem a little paranoid at first, you're right, her perspective is not skewed, it's completely valid for what she's seen in the world.
I really appreciate and enjoyed reading your insights, so never worry about blathering on. You guess right a lot of the time, so the different arguments you've made here are quite interesting. Here's the one thing I'll say: Heather has an important role in this dream, and her effect on Jake is specific and significant.
Thank you so much for the kind words, and I hope you enjoy the next part!