A Jericho Fan Fiction Archive
LOL - looks like Heather really is a lipgloss-addict! ;)
Ah, and that is how Baron came into their lives... ;)
Wow... just think of how Eric got April the house as a gift! Jeeez!
Time for a bit lovin in post-nuke-USA... goooood!
I thought this was a great ending to the DC version of Black Jack.
I enjoyed reading about Jake's and Mikey's return from Black Jack. The moments that Mikey, Jake and Heather shared seemed so real that it's easy to imagine just that happening in real life. I really like how close Heather and Mikey are.
"Thanks, Mike," Jake said next, standing to offer his brother-in-law his hand. They shook, grasping each other's hands tightly, their suddenly serious tones confusing Heather for a moment. "Thanks," he repeated.
"No problem, man," Michael shrugged, clapping Jake's upper arm. "Night," he added before glancing at Heather. "Night, sis."
I liked this moment between Jake and Mikey and the confusion it created for Heather. I think Mike and Jake's experience at Black Jack and their silent agreement to keep the details from Heather is a another bond that will draw them closer together.
I laughed when I read how Ted was fixing his truck, doing everything that Heather wouldn't, and is disinterest in her suggestions. Of course I loved how Jake quickly came to Heather's defense by calling Ted an idiot for not listening to her. I also liked Heather's hesitancy in sending Jake the email to tell him about Ted and Mindy because she wanted to say just the right thing to break it to him gently. The Greens really have an extended family and Mindy is a part of it.
I enjoyed the conversation about corn dogs and Jake telling B.G. to ‘Take it easy on your Mom' and the asking B.G. ‘How do you even know what the corn dog taste likes?' while looking at Heather for her reaction. I also liked how you included the description of the abandoned and vandalized Sonic that they saw on the highway, as well as other places of business. Mike's comment that what they saw was typically after Johnston said something about it made me think just how sheltered Jericho is and how in some ways the people of the town fortunate are to live there more or less protected from what's going on in the world. I have to say that I really like the detail about the chapstick and how what once was such a small thing is not a luxury.
I liked the reassurance that Jake tried to give to Heather while she read the news, especially his explanation on how Jericho missed out on the first food drop. I also like how Jake tried to cheer her up with more talk of corn dogs and bratwurst.
Jake closed his eyes for a moment, all thoughts of being amused by her admission gone. There weren't many things he counted on in the world - especially not now - but in addition to and as equally important as their love for and trust in one another, Jake relied on Heather's steadfast faith. She, more than anyone he knew, believed that in the end things would be okay and he depended on that - on her - to keep going himself.
I especially liked how this summed up all that Jake feels for Heather.
I just loved the Christmas Eve scene! The part with all the Greens sitting around the dinner table when Heather called and Jake holding out the phone so they could all tell her Merry Christmas was something that could have happened in any family. I really liked how real it was.
I just love Baron! He sounds so cute! I am so happy that you included him in your story! I just loved how Heather put a red bandana with a sprig of mistletoe tied around Baron's neck when she gave him to him. I liked Jake's quick reassurance when Heather questioned whether or not the puppy was a good idea.
"So, you're The Red Baron, huh?" he'd chuckled, exhaling a wheezing breath. The puppy had sniffed Jake's fingers and then had started to lick them, eliciting another laugh from Jake. "Good boy, good dog," he'd praised, stroking the animal's head as he'd looked up at Heather, asking, "He is a boy, right? I mean, a girl would be fine, but I wanna make sure I'm callin' him the right thing," Jake had explained.
I just loved the image that this created in my mind. I can just tell what Baron will come to mean to Jake (and to Heather) reading it.
I really like Heather's other gifts to Jake - the framed photographs of the same pictures he kept on his dresser from their trip to Wyoming and the key to her house - even it was just to water her plants when she was away. I loved Heather's reaction to the diamond earrings that Jake gave her and loved Jake's reaction as he watched in the powder room as she admired how the earrings looked on her.
I liked the conversation between Jake and Kerry and was glad to hear ‘Cowboy Jake' again. Kerry's talk of Heather's brother's reaction to the earrings was really amusing and a nice reminder of just how close the Lisinski's are. The story about Woody in the Christmas pageant was really cute and I like how you had Jake playing with Baron while he was telling the story to Heather.
Eric really loved April at one time and I like how you remind us of this in your ‘5 years ago'scenes. I have to say I was impressed by his choice of a gift. I just love April's reaction to her gift and how Jake had to ‘rescue' the key that April dropped before Baron got a hold of it. I really like the detail on their visit to the house and can just picture April and Gail going arm in arm from room to room discussing paint colors and window treatments. I also liked the lengths that Eric went to get the house - giving bonuses to the real estate agent and the sellers and laughed at the picture I had of Eric faxing in a counteroffer to the bid him and April had but in hours earlier.
I just loved the last scene where Heather and Jake listened to the baby's heartbeat especially how Jake's worry about how fast B.G.'s heartbeat was, until Heather told him it was normal, to his amazement at listening to it to the goofiest grin Heather had ever seen on his face. I also enjoyed the conversation about names and Heather's desire to have a boy's name with the initials of E and J so they could call hi EJ.
Another great chapter, Marzee. I think you've done a great job in writing Heather and Jake and showing us just how far they have come in their relationship through the experiences they've shared since they first meant.
Thanks for the review, Skyrose!
I'm glad you enjoyed this closing chapter of the DC version of Black Jack. I really appreciate your comments on how "real" the relationship between Jake and Mikey is. I try not to write my original characters too much, but it's hard to resist with Mikey. He's the little brother I always wanted. :-) I'm also glad you like my Jake and Heather as they sort of debrief after such an eventful day.
Christmas Eve was fun to write. I especially liked writing about Eric and April back when they liked each other, and about Baron and how he's fitting into the Green family. I couldn't resist bringing Cowboy Jake back up.... I don't think it's the last we'll hear of him either!
What a satisfying chapter, Marzee! I absolutely loved it!
Favorite parts:
- the return of Cowboy Jake
- Heather "warming" Jake up
- listening to the baby's heartbeat and how much that meant to Jake
- the easy rapport between Heather and Jake; their chemistry is just amazing
- the discussion of baby names
- the gift of the Red Baron (awww...I have a soft spot for puppies)
Thanks, Sandra! I do aim to please, so I'm glad you enjoyed the wrap-up of such an eventful day.
I think you identified all my favorite parts in writing this part. Looking over your list, I'm getting all kinds of ideas for DC going forward, so that's a good thing too. :-D Certainly, we haven't seen the last of Cowboy Jake or The Red Baron. Heather may even get to warm Jake up again sometime soon!
Excellent work, as always, Marzee!
I think this was a great way to wrap up the 'Black Jack' part of the Different Circumstances story, with these quiet, intimate scenes between Jake, Heather, and some of their family members.
With the opening exchange between Jake, Heather, (and Mikey) you've written another one of those still moments that just seem so real, like something that might happen in someone's life. As always, I loved Mikey's part in this scene- the closeness he has with his sister, the serious side he shows when dealing with family and friends, but also the good natured humour he's perfected when dealing with these awkward moments with his older siblings (I'm reminded again of the glimpse we saw of younger Mikey sitting on the floor amidst siblings, in-laws, nieces and nephews.)
I liked the way you wrote the conversation between Jake and Heather, covering a whole range from joking to get through the tough times, to coming to terms with the news Jake brings home with him, to the cute, comfortable intimacy between them. I laughed at Jake's reaction to Ted. I hadn't quite expected him to get such a strong impression of Mindy's new boyfriend, and it was an interesting irony, Jake complaining about him to Heather. I guess it's just because Mindy is 'family'. BG sure is lucky to have so many honorary aunts and uncles. I was glad Heather and Jake both came to terms with Dale's mistake, realizing they couldn't possibly have left him behind. (Not when they remember him sliding down the stairs on a sleeping bag, or dressing up for their wedding!) I also liked the detail of the chapstick. I'm with Heather, something like that could be a real luxury and so I imagine it could really be a bright spot at the end of a difficult day.
I loved the Christmas Eve scene! All the details were great, from Heather's sister-in-law introducing herself to Jake, to Jake and Heather comparing notes on when to open presents, to all the gifts. I have to say, I am rather impressed by Eric's gift. As every time I read about happy times in April and Eric's past, I feel that this is a little bittersweet, especially remembering how this dream house will one day burn down. Poor April, especially, but I still liked reading of her excitement as she ran from room to room, and Eric's obvious pride that he had pulled off the surprise. I just loved the image of Eric faxing counter-offers at three in the morning.
I also just loved the little story about Woody's role in the Christmas pageant. I don't know which I found more endearing- Jimmy and his family playing the holy family, or Woody's improvising. I hope we get to hear a bit more about Christmas in DC, whether in the past or post-bombs.
I have to mention now how I like the new original character addition to the Green family this chapter. The Red Baron is adorable! (and makes me think of Snoopy!) I haven't gone back yet to read of his appearance in other chapters, but I hope to soon. It'll be fun to read more about Jake adapting to being a new 'dad' to this puppy in future installments. Jake's gift choices for Heather were impressive too. I laughed so hard to hear of the Lisinski boys' new grudge against the 'cowboy'.
The final scene with a more mature Jake and Heather listening to their baby's heartbeat was sweet and such a contrast to that long ago Christmas. I liked hearing about all of Heather's name choices- Ebeneezer (or Eben) is just too funny. Once again, we see in this quiet moment between them just how far they've come, and how much they've been through together by now.
Great chapter, great ending to the DC version of one of my favourite episodes, and I'm especially looking forward to the next part, as 'Heart of Winter' is my other favourite!
Thanks for your review, Penny. It is much appreciated, even if it did take me six weeks to respond. Sorry about that!
I know you're a Mikey fan, so I'm glad you enjoyed his scene with Jake and Heather. I really feel for poor Mikey, who has lost so much and in some ways is much more experienced than almost anyone else in Jericho. He had the danger of turning into Gray, trying to protect the specialness right out of Jericho, now his adopted home. But he's still -- always -- Heather's beloved little brother which can be tough too, as he tries to protect her and his niece or nephew, perhaps the only members of his original family that he has left.
As for Jake and Heather on their own, I must say that it was comforting to me to give them the opportunity to connect with one another, to discuss the weighty issues of the day and just support one another in the difficult situation they've found themselves in. I jut can't help but think that having that one person you love more than life itself with whom to share your fears and hopes for the future would go a long way toward sustaining you in the world after the end of the world. Hoperfully, I've managed to express that.
The Christmas Eve scene was fun to write, especially about the purchase of April's dream house, so thanks for commenting on one of my favorite parts. I enjoyed showing the lengths that Eric would go to secure it for her, and as a surprise. I defintiely think Eric has BIG issues in the relationship department, but I also think he's quite capable of being romantic in his Eric way.
When it comes to the Lisinskis and the 'cowboy', all I can say is wait 'til Jake gets to Buffalo! ;-) I'm glad to add you to the list of the Baron afficianados, too. I try to keep my original characters as secondary, at least most of the time, but I may have to make an exception for Baron. He's too cute, and you're right, it's fun to see the hints of what 'dad' Jake will be like.
I'm thrilled to hear that you enjoyed what I did with Black Jack, and I hope I can maintain through Heart of Winter. Thanks again for the review!