A Jericho Fan Fiction Archive
Such a beautiful chapter, Penny. I think yours is the first story I've seen deal with the direct aftermath of Stanley and Mimi's graveside vows. You are so good at relating a multitude of emotions and reactions.
Thank you for sharing this with us!
Thank you!
Stanley and Mimi's graveside vows really touched me, more than almost any other scene in season two, or the whole series possibly. Certainly it was one of the more hopeful, moving scenes, in my humble opinion. It seemed natural to go from there when thinking of what Mimi is most grateful for in her life.
Thanks again!
Wow. I'm still blown away with the account of Mimi's and Stanley's honeymoon. That was too poignant for words. I could really feel Mimi's desperation to hold onto the one solid thing she had left in life, her gratefullness for Stanley, her grief for Bonnie. I was especially touched by how her feelings for Bonnie went from "surly teenage hostess" to 'sister". Beatuifully done, and nicely wrapped up in the irony of night owl Mimi appreciating a sunrise.
I also liked the 'cycle-of-life' feeling this chapter has with Mimi, older and wiser thinking about her relationship with her mother and with Bonnie and now with her daughter. I laughed at Stanley's horror that his daughter inherited some of Mimi's aversion to morning, and at how Tessa's initial scandalized reaction to the idea of her mother's first kiss gave way to curiosity. I hope the Richmond women enjoy their walk while the boys fight it out about the turkey and football at home. :-)
Thank you!
This was one of my favourite parts to write, as you know how fond I am of the Richmond family. I wrote this part first, as I was getting into thinking about what it means to really be grateful, and Mimi's experiences that led her to be truly grateful, on many days besides Thanksgiving.
I think the Richmond women did enjoy their walk, and their conversation may have turned to football just once, though they would have us believe that they are not in this game for the competition at all.
Thanks again!