A Jericho Fan Fiction Archive
very nice Thanksgiving with some very nice, touching moments!
So Jake figured out that April is pregnant....
And - I really had to laugh at the thought that back in the old days before the bombs Heather roughed up Eric by accident when they had the football match! Ouch!
Oh no! Jeeez, you kill me - stopp interrupting Jake and Heather!!!!!
And I really feel sorry for April AND for Eric... T_T
Love the girl talk zone! ;)
And now I feel sorry for Em... o.O
Jake was quite harsh with her...
Oh my... Heather's brother and his friends have quite a story to tell... and I'm sure they have left out the really bad things... *shudders*
Losing a family member is hard... :(
Poor Heather...
And I wonder what Drake's story is, he really seems to be very troubled... :(
I'm trying to be back for a bit more!
Hope you are still out there somewhere?????
Awwww - the car wash story was so cute! :)
Again loved the playful couple in love...
Oh, and now Michael arrived! YAY! Heather will be so happy!
Thanks so much for reading and leaving reviews. I have to admit that real life has intruded over the last few years and Different Circumstances has languished a bit. But your reviews have been one of the prods that have gotten me going again. I am currently on a writing and plotting streak, and should be posting the next chapter within a week or two.
So THANK YOU for reviewing and for asking if I am still out here. The answer is "Yes!" and there is much more Different Circumstances to come. :-)