A Jericho Fan Fiction Archive
A letter from Johnston to Jake was an ingenious way to answer this challenge. I can "hear" Johnston's voice as he lets Jake know how he sees things. I always thought Johnston gave great advice and this bit of it is no exception. Great job!
Another wonderful story from you, Dponice! I like how you captured Johnston's voice so clearly in this.
This cracked me up:
QUOTE: Even as I realized this kiss must have happened when I was so sick, my second thought was to wonder if you were an idiot.
As did this:
QUOTE: Where before you never did the same post twice in a row, now you patrol one post. Highway 40 has never been so interesting before. Stanley and Jimmy think you should just build a shack out there.
Jake definitely needed to hear some hard truths. Johnston's assessment of the situation is, of course, right on the money. Here's to hoping that Jake will heed what his father tells him. :)