A Jericho Fan Fiction Archive
Oh, Penny, this installment of Romance of the Absurd has left me in such a muddle. I am so sad for Bill, but I'm also sad for Maggie -- when I am not contemplating shaking her, trying to make her come to her senses.
I knew of course from the beginning that they didn't work out, but all the way through as I was erading, I kept hoping (much in the way I always hope Rolf won't betray the Von Trapps in the Sound of Music) that someting could change and they could make a go of it. I am a wishful thinker. :-)
You really fleshed Maggie out -- Bill too, as he's often treated very two dimensionally, a writing crime I am as guilty of as anyone. I appreciated getting to know them both as whole people, with emotions, worries, joys, longings, strenghts and weaknesses. I literally ached for them both, even as I revelled in the beautiful and compelling way you presented their story to us.
There were so many lines and paragraphs that I really loved, but I will limit myself to pointing out one.
She was friendly, laughing at his efforts to joke and even teasing him, but she was expertly oblivious to the way he'd stare at her, to the unspoken words behind his good nights and good mornings and inquiries into her next move.
Poor Maggie, she tried to not give in, and then she tried to make it work and couldn't. And poor Bill, for convincing himself that he would be happy with whatever she could give.
I know the title of this story is The Seagull and the Hawk, but I must tell you that it reminded me of one of my favorite lines in the movie, Ever After: A bird may love a fish, Signior, but where would they live?
PennyLane, you are so good at showing the inner workings of characters. I particularly enjoyed your insight into the contrast between perception and reality where Maggie was concerned. I feel for Bill--for losing the woman he loves, for losing their child, for that empty part of his life that Maggie's presence filled. I feel for Maggie, as well, as she strives to find her place in a world that has never been particularly kind but is even less so now.
I can say so many good things about your stories, but one of the qualities that I like best is that they always make me think.
Thank you for sharing this with us!
Nice job, PennyLane! I enjoyed the symbolism and getting more insight into two characters whose lives outside the plots they serve are rarely delved into.
Author's Response:
Thank you!
I find Bill and Maggie to be very interesting characters, from what we did see of them, so it was interesting to think about them and explore them here.
Thanks for reading and commenting~